Wednesday, February 25, 2009

very short

Hey blogs coming soon this weekend. Sit tight. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

On letting go and letting in...

Hey friends, its been awhile, not too long though. You forgive me, right?

As promised, this will be somewhat deep. Have you ever done something or agreed to something that you weren't sure about? Today is valentines day. I had a valentine...that I decided to make her a girlfriend. Maybe its the love bug, but as excited as I am, I am terrified. I haven't been serious with anyone since I practically had a promise ring in hand over a year ago with a girl named Emily. I was so sure about her. She was amazing. Flawless. Then she went to Maryland for Pharmacy school and I hate myself everyday for not going with her.

Anyways! Everything has happened so fast. Without too many harsh details...really fast (you know...). And here I am, now official with someone who knows one of my ex's very well and who I barely know. She seems great though. Shes attractive. Very nice and thoughtful. Seems sweet.

Why am I so terrified?

I tried writing songs tonight after the Wisconsin game and after my friends left, and everything I write down is the same. This overwhelming feeling.

By the way, a couple people came over briefly and I played 3 songs on my acoustic guitar that I've been sporting lately. Thank you for listening. You've avenged me. My projected is called The Avenging Plan, a little cheesy, I know...

Is it too soon? Am I still holding on to the one that got away? Maybe I am not ready...

I wish I knew.

Moreover, I feel like I have let the wrong friends in and the good ones out. Are we always questioning who are good influences and are really there for us and not just waiting with knives when we turn our backs? Something I have been pondering a while...

I know this is rant, advice is welcomed, thank you for reading at least.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Animal Collective's "Merriweather Post Pavilion" and an announcement

Hey friends.

After reading a lot of reviews about Animal Collective's new record, Merriweather Post Pavilion, I decided that I want/need to listen to it to see what the hype was all about. I listened to their sophomore record back in 2004, Sung Tongs, and it was alright, not amazing to me. So I hoped that this time around they'd be more appealing.

Rather than breaking down a record like I normally do, I am going to tell you what all the others haven't yet because to me, when I read the reviews for this album I was so convinced (which its their job to convince you yay or nay) that this would be "something for the masses."

Before you listen to this record, ask yourself...Do you like psychedelic rock? Do you like musicians like Mercury Rev, Bjork, Fuck Buttons or The Flaming Lips? If so, then you might just have found the new album to swear by. I remembered listening to them back in 2004 and thinking, "you know they're like psychedelic with pop influences." That's still true. I figured I better throw that out there before I have a bunch of people tell me, "well they're not just psychedelic..." (mainly they are though!).

This record does offer some very stimulating musical endeavors. "My Girls" almost reminds me of new wave 80's music. I like the clapping sounds and echoes of "Daily Routine," and the Beach Boys's Pet Sounds-style of the last track (and really a couple tracks are reminsicent of "Wilsonism," Brian Wilson). However, as much as I love my Beach Boys records, Animal Collective just really isn't for me I guess. BUT, do not mistake me, they have great songs. This isn't noise. The music is perfectly calculated. My main point, if you like really psychedelic rock, this may be the new record you and your friends turn on your black lights, have a smoke, and talk about Floyd with (certainly not me when I was a teen with Radiohead's OK Computer...but I am afraid I have said too much...) :)

Anyways, an announcement(s) I'd like to make. I am kind of going to not really make this about sports anymore, I will only when I feel theres something on a "global" scale to say about something. I think I am definitely going to stick to music, possibly more about my own project (The Avenging Plan), and life concerns, lessons, happenings, etc. I've had a crazy last week and there'll definitely be a story or two about something we probably at one point or another relate to. My objective is to relate and connect with you. Make a friend. Share thoughts. Follow my blog and I absolutely follow yours. Those are my sincere and honest intentions.