Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hey everyone.

Recording on Saturday went great. Much better and faster than I had anticipated. I felt like I could had sang better on the last song that I had recorded, but I kept the take. It might not be the most professional sounding recording, but it sounded pretty damn good. My friend Jason who did the work is currently polishing sound and tweeking everything. We cut 4 tracks which was pretty much ideal. I should have the finished work in 7-10 days. Jason is a biochemistry major at Wisconsin and so he's working all this in for me during a busy semester. No doubt my semester gets hectic starting now too. All in all, we had a lot of fun, told some dirty jokes into the microphone in between songs, you know, all the good stuff. I will tell you more about the production and release dates when I find out. I think it'll be late October just because Jason needs a little extra time due to our horrible school schedules and Sooper Dooper (the company that assembles the cd, artwork, etc) is a little busier than normal right now.

Anyways, so that's how everything played out. I am very excited to get the myspace page up and running. It won't be long now...

Friday, September 18, 2009

one last semester!

Hey friends. So this is the end of week 3 of my last semester at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I've been very reflective since the semester has started. I am ready to be done, but the minute that I am done I know I will miss it. My classes aren't the greatest this semester, they are interesting, but they are more work than I wanted for the last semester. Oh well...I will make it work. I don't have to necessarily strive for A's and B's if I don't want to. ...And to be honest, by November I don't think I will be able to...

Anyways, its officially Saturday morning and in about 10 hours I will begin recording my debut e.p. (yet to be titled). I am looking forward to it and getting the iTunes account going and the Myspace page streaming. It's been a long time coming! Anyways, I'll let you know how it goes!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Friends?

Uhg, seriously, those of you around the Madison will NEVER feel good after you eat Gumby's Pizza. It's true. How did a wonderful cartoon character annhilate pizza so much? Anyways...

Lately, I have been thinking a dangerous thought. I often think this every 6 months or so to keep people "in check" anyways, but I often I have good friends? More shocking (or sad)do I have enough friends? I sat at home for like 50% Saturday AND all Sunday night. WTF?! I shouldn't waste my precious weekends. It wasn't a complete loss, I played and rehearsed a lot of guitar and got some good words down on paper. I think I am only about one set of lyrics away from being totally ready to record. The music is all written. Anyways, I feel kind of silly sitting here thinking about how to make friends...Aren't we all born with that ability? And why have I stopped dead in my tracks? I don't mind hanging out with people from work but I need a little separation from those people (Chris is an exception and he's one of the busiest people I know). Have you ever noticed too that when you hang out with work friends its completely impossible to NOT talk about work? I leave work @ work...

So here's a thought I've had, I am going to do some volunteer work on the weekend to try to meet some people. I am pretty sure I am going to volunteer at the Wisconsin Book Festival in October. Anyone else have any good ideas?

Once again, this isn't to say that I don't appreciate the friends I have or dislike them, but I guess I just have noticed the hesitation of people who want to hang out or even talk. That gives me the impression that either they don't want to be friends OR I am just there at their convenience. For instance, this person Samantha, she talks to me once and while but we'll never hang out...ever and she goes to Edgewood, like less than 3 miles from where I go. Or a friend of mine (will remain nameless) who likes to hang out at bars, but he's seriously is just looking for pussy. He wants guys to hang with him, but the minute he pin-points his next prospect, he's gone and anyone chilling do not exist. I don't know...I am just ranting right now I guess.


Saturday, August 29, 2009


Uhhh its Saturday. I am about to sleep for a couple hours. But seriously, I need to lock myself up in my apartment and finish writing the final lyrics and the final song for an e.p. I am working on...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Everyone Calm Down About U2

Unless you've been living under a rock the last 2 weeks, you know that U2 has released No Line on the Horizon, their 11th studio effort. It's pretty damn good too. Here's the thing that I want to say. I think Rolling Stone's review of it was fair, except the rating of 5 stars. I'd say it's more like 4. I swear, when Rolling Stone received the record the editors formed a circle, put the record in the middle, and I'll let your creative mind fill in the blank as to what they did. I'm picking on Rolling Stone, but really everyone has given it a rave review.

Like I said, it's very good. I will straight up admit, I'd give it a B and say it's my favorite since All That You Can't Leave Behind. It does have a couple of flaws though. "Get On Your Boots." What? Bono, did you flunk grammar? Don't you mean "Get Your Boots On?" Are you telling me to stand up? Why didn't you say "Get On Your Feet?" This is the perfect example of how U2 writes a musically great song and put terrible lyrics to it. Remember, "HELLO, HELLO, I'M AT A PLACE CALLED VERTIGO!!!" AHHH!!!! Bono, you're so much better than that!!! You wrote some of the best songs in the 80's and 90's!!! "I Will Follow," "With or With Out You," "Pride," "Bad," "Two Hearts Beat As One," "New Years Day," Do I need to keep naming? I think I made my point. Why does every album now need a song that doesn't really make sense? Seriously a fifth grader could wrote "Vertigo" and you know what? A fifth grader probably would say "uno...dos...tres...cuatro" Not catorce (14)!!! Moreover, why does those kind of songs always have to be the first single too!?!?

Honestly, I think the first five songs are untouchable. They are awesome. But it does falter. "White as Snow," "Get On Your Boots," and "Cedars of Lebannon" are weaknesses. They are not bad songs, but they'd be better B-sides.

In the latest Rolling Stone magazine (yes, U2 is on the cover, and yes, I bet they circled up again...) the Edge said "It was a conscious thing to make a collection that was a whole; That's why it took so long." WHAT?'s what happened. 2004, they toured in support of Atomic Bomb, 2005-07 Bono tried saving the world and the others rested comfortably, then 2008, they probably entered the studio. Like I said, this is a good album, but there's no way this is 4 years of work...11 songs, like I said throw 3-4 of them out...if that's true, I want my money back.

This is a good record. A solid B rating. More satisfying than Atomic Bomb. Just listen for yourself, don't listen to all the magazines tell you...

Amazing Records so far in 2009!!!

I have to say, it's been awhile since by the end of February there's been 3 records that I'd give the grade of an A to. I can't believe how good music has been so far.
First up, Thursday's comeback from A City by the Light Divided (not counting the e.p. and the live Kill the House Lights) proves to be a crowd and fan pleaser. When I bought A City by the Light Divided, I really thought that it didn't sound like Thursday. I could tell they were trying to continue to artsy-ness of War All the Time, instead it upset many fans. This one is a total return to the edginess of Full Collapse, but expanding their sound from War All the Time. There are some songs where Geoff's voice sounds as haunting as Radiohead's Thom Yorke. Actually, a couple of my friends who really like Radiohead, really like this album!!! If you like hard rock in general, this record is a must own from 2009. Key Tracks: "Resuscitation Of A Dead Man," "Time's Arrow," "Friends In The Armed Forces," and "Unintended Long Term Effects."

Next, Morrissey's Years of Refusal. I've been listening to past Morrissey records and I must say, I think this is the best one since 1992'sYour Arsenal (yes, even better than Ringleader of the Tormentors, You Are the Quarry, and Vauxhall and I). This record is at times hard rock, at times melodic, at times alternative. It showcases the musicianship of the band very well and the songwriting of Morrissey. This album has so many great lyrics, more than normal I mean for Morrissey..."Life is nothing much to lose, it's just so lonely here without you..." or "I know by now you would have thought I would have figured myself out, thank you drop dead." It's awesome. Key Tracks: "Mama Lay Softly on the Riverbed," "Something is Squeezing my Skull," "That's How People Grow Up," and "It's Not Your Birthday Anymore."

Lastly, Lily Allen's It's Not Me, It's You. Somewhere along the way I missed the memo on Lily Allen. I had heard the name a couple of times, but never really thought anything of it. This time for her sophomore effort, I took note. What's better than a cute British girl, put to pop music, and lots of swearing...nothing. I did go back to listen to her first record and it's pretty good. This one however does seem a lot of more structured. The songwriting is really great too. I like how in the song "The Fear" she states, "I don't care about clever, I don't care about funny." I think DEFINITELY cares about cleverness, her lyrics RELY on it!!! And as a dude listening to her lyrics, I think it's impossible NOT to laugh at some of her lyrics. Overall, awesome record. Key Tracks: "The Fear," "22," "Not Fair," "Never Gonna Happen."

Like I've said, exceptional start to music so far. I still am digging the new Franz Ferdinand, The Incredibad (Andy Samburg's SNL short-songs), and U2, and yes there's going to be rant about them soon!!! BEWARE...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The WAY too late best of 2008 list.

Hey friends, get ready for a slew of posts soon.

Anyways, I was so busy over winter break and the end of the semester I realized I never made my best of 2008. So here it is!!!

#1: MURDER by DEATH, Red of Tooth and Claw
It seriously upsets me that this record got overlooked by many lists. I loved it since it's release. MBD always puts out good records, this one was the one that I said "Damn!! They did it!!"

#2: Coldplay, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends...
I really don't care what people say. They are great. Most people all know it too. They're just ignorant. It's okay, I hate admitting I like somethings too.

#3: Amanda Palmer, Who Killed Amanda Palmer?
Another one, enormously overlooked (not as much as MBD though). Her cutting edge lyrics are so beautifully matched with melodies that will have to singing along in no time, perhaps about curious sexual situations, astronauts, and a boy named Blake.

#4: Bloc Party, Intimacy
What I LOVE about these guys is that almost every year we get a new album AND the albums are all solid. I LOVE the first two and this one is right up there with them!!! They are on a roll...

#5: Butch Walker, Sycamore Meadows
This was a nice refreshing album to me because quite honestly, I really did not like Butch Walker and the Lets-Go-Out-Tonites. I am not saying it wasn't good, it just wasn't my style. This record is awesome though, very much back to the roots like Letters had.

#6: Thrice, The Alchemy Index III & IV
Wow. Well-crafted philosophical songs to close out their Fire, Water, Air, and Earth ep's. These last two I would argue really grabs more people on a global scale. Well played. (Side note, amazing live show too!)

#7: The Mars Volta, Bedlam in Goliath
My favorite record since their debut. Very, very good, it musically sounds a little more clearer than Frances on Mute.

#8: The Cure, 4:13 Dream
Well those of you know me close knows what this band has done for me so this will look a little bias. However, this album, I think is their best since Bloodflowers, I may even go so far to say Wish...Check it out, you will not be disappointed.

#9: The Magnetic Fields, Distortion

#10: Bon Iver, For Emma
Come on! He's from really, this album is really good IF you like folk and acoustic rock.

#11 Nine Inch Nails, The Slip
I actually like this better than Year Zero. Yeah, I said it...

#12: Panic! at the Disco, Pretty.Odd
I really didn't care too much for this record when I first bought it but by about the 5th time through I was saying "this is pretty good." There are some throw away songs that don't do anything for me but theres enough to keep me in love with it (Northern Downpour, Do You See What I am Seeing, Behind the Sea, to name a few...)

#13 Lil Wayne, Tha Carter III
Yes, it's kinda of low on my list, but I don't listen to rap much. However, when I find that album or two that hits me, I will ALWAYS give it credit. Well deserved publicity over this one and very well deserved Grammy.

#14: She & Him, Volume One
Take two things I love. The guitar playing of M. Ward (solo act, Bright Eyes, other collaborations) and Zooey Deschanel (who I had no idea could sing!) and you have She&Him. This record is great, it reminds me of listening to my mom's old 60's records. I really hope they keep making records and proves not to be just another actor/actress taking a stab at singing, she's great and so is Ward's riffs.

#15: R.E.M., Accelerate
Pretty damn good if you like the early indie years of R.E.M. and even if you don't there's enough to keep you happy.

Yup, thats right, TV on the Radio isn't on here. 10 years from now you won't know them, Rolling Stone, Spin, etc. ALL magazines that I read, but remember sometimes they don't rank whats good, they rank what they want you to think is good. "Come listen to TV on the Radio and you'll be cool, everyone's doing it..."
Also, Radiohead's In Rainbows was 2007, I bought it off their website in 2007, thats when it came out...

Honorable mentions:
Fleet Foxes, they show promise, I like what I've heard...
Alkaline Trio, not really as good as the last two but a solid effort...
Common, I really liked this R&B record a lot...
Portugal. The Man, hell yeah...
Vampire Weekend, ok-to-pretty decent, I need more convincing on this band
The Gaslight Anthem, I haven't heard anything before The '59 Sound, but this is a very good record...
Bring Me the Horizon, they are breaking through...also catching big break on tour with big names.
Jack's Mannequin, honorable mention but it could have been way better...
This Town Needs Guns, I don't know much about them, but Animals is awesome! This was probably my #16...

A little on the disappointing side...

Death Cab for Cutie, it's okay, I forgive you, the last 3 we're A+ records, this one is like C
The Academy Is...,why do people like Fast Times At Barrington High so much? Seriously, I almost shed a tear...Santi was SOOOO good and then this?
The Killers, really? really? "are we human or are we dancers?" I love metaphors and all, but what the fuck does that even mean?

best new artists:
Bon Iver
The Gaslight Anthem
This Town Needs Guns
Bring Me the Horizon

There it is friends, I'm sure I missed one or two...what were some of your faves?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

very short

Hey blogs coming soon this weekend. Sit tight. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

On letting go and letting in...

Hey friends, its been awhile, not too long though. You forgive me, right?

As promised, this will be somewhat deep. Have you ever done something or agreed to something that you weren't sure about? Today is valentines day. I had a valentine...that I decided to make her a girlfriend. Maybe its the love bug, but as excited as I am, I am terrified. I haven't been serious with anyone since I practically had a promise ring in hand over a year ago with a girl named Emily. I was so sure about her. She was amazing. Flawless. Then she went to Maryland for Pharmacy school and I hate myself everyday for not going with her.

Anyways! Everything has happened so fast. Without too many harsh details...really fast (you know...). And here I am, now official with someone who knows one of my ex's very well and who I barely know. She seems great though. Shes attractive. Very nice and thoughtful. Seems sweet.

Why am I so terrified?

I tried writing songs tonight after the Wisconsin game and after my friends left, and everything I write down is the same. This overwhelming feeling.

By the way, a couple people came over briefly and I played 3 songs on my acoustic guitar that I've been sporting lately. Thank you for listening. You've avenged me. My projected is called The Avenging Plan, a little cheesy, I know...

Is it too soon? Am I still holding on to the one that got away? Maybe I am not ready...

I wish I knew.

Moreover, I feel like I have let the wrong friends in and the good ones out. Are we always questioning who are good influences and are really there for us and not just waiting with knives when we turn our backs? Something I have been pondering a while...

I know this is rant, advice is welcomed, thank you for reading at least.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Animal Collective's "Merriweather Post Pavilion" and an announcement

Hey friends.

After reading a lot of reviews about Animal Collective's new record, Merriweather Post Pavilion, I decided that I want/need to listen to it to see what the hype was all about. I listened to their sophomore record back in 2004, Sung Tongs, and it was alright, not amazing to me. So I hoped that this time around they'd be more appealing.

Rather than breaking down a record like I normally do, I am going to tell you what all the others haven't yet because to me, when I read the reviews for this album I was so convinced (which its their job to convince you yay or nay) that this would be "something for the masses."

Before you listen to this record, ask yourself...Do you like psychedelic rock? Do you like musicians like Mercury Rev, Bjork, Fuck Buttons or The Flaming Lips? If so, then you might just have found the new album to swear by. I remembered listening to them back in 2004 and thinking, "you know they're like psychedelic with pop influences." That's still true. I figured I better throw that out there before I have a bunch of people tell me, "well they're not just psychedelic..." (mainly they are though!).

This record does offer some very stimulating musical endeavors. "My Girls" almost reminds me of new wave 80's music. I like the clapping sounds and echoes of "Daily Routine," and the Beach Boys's Pet Sounds-style of the last track (and really a couple tracks are reminsicent of "Wilsonism," Brian Wilson). However, as much as I love my Beach Boys records, Animal Collective just really isn't for me I guess. BUT, do not mistake me, they have great songs. This isn't noise. The music is perfectly calculated. My main point, if you like really psychedelic rock, this may be the new record you and your friends turn on your black lights, have a smoke, and talk about Floyd with (certainly not me when I was a teen with Radiohead's OK Computer...but I am afraid I have said too much...) :)

Anyways, an announcement(s) I'd like to make. I am kind of going to not really make this about sports anymore, I will only when I feel theres something on a "global" scale to say about something. I think I am definitely going to stick to music, possibly more about my own project (The Avenging Plan), and life concerns, lessons, happenings, etc. I've had a crazy last week and there'll definitely be a story or two about something we probably at one point or another relate to. My objective is to relate and connect with you. Make a friend. Share thoughts. Follow my blog and I absolutely follow yours. Those are my sincere and honest intentions.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Franz Ferdinand is back with "Tonight" and the Milwaukee Bucks problems...

Hey friends.

First off, being the avid music fan that I am, I feel obligated to voice my opinion on Franz Ferdinand's long-awaited 3rd effort, "Tonight: Franz Ferdinand" First off, their sophomore record, "You Could Have So Much Better," left me thinking that the record felt rushed and hurried. Its an okay record, but it didn't live up to the first one. The gang took nearly 4 years to complete this one. All in all, I'd say it shows. I encourage you all to read what critics write (including myself, I guess...) with caution. Rolling Stone gave this record 3 stars. gave it a modest 3.5 stars. Finally, Blender magazine got it right, 4 stars. The first single and opening track, "Ulysses" sets up the record pretty well. Its a good song. But if you think thats good...get ready for a bitchslap with the next 3 songs, "Turn It On," "No You Girls," and "Send Him Away," deliver knock-out rocked out dance tracks (just like the debut). I really like "Send Him Away" because it reminds me of a Steely Dan 70's song, but I am a nerd for Steely Dan, hehe. They get a little more experimental on tracks like "Twilight Omens" and "Lucid Dreams." It works to perfection. I'd definitely give this record an 8 out of 10. Very solid effort and it beats the hell out of the last one (even though the singles off the last record were valuable). One thing that I MUST say about this record and the way it was received. This is was really what made me scream, Rolling Stone for example (and a couple others), essentially said "Yeah, but it sounds like everything they've done before..." Basically stating that it lacks progression from the predecessors. However, I argue, is that such a bad thing? Remember when The Strokes released "First Impressions of Earth," their last album. It sucked. Know why? It didn't sound like them at all. The crunchy, vintage distortions within the guitars were gone. Some bands like Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes, The Hives, and yes, I'll bust this one out...The Killers (look where changing their sound got them? Lots of pissed of fans from "Hot Fuss"). However, that doesn't mean they can't make better and better records, but certain styles of rock do not allow the sudden shifting of things like guitar tunings (tuning down or up), etc. Franz Ferdinand experiments just enough with their sound to keep it theirs. Check it out.

Okay, I hate to stick my junk in the Jell-O, but the Milwaukee Bucks are in trouble. Michael Redd, the team's star shooting guard, is out for the season. John Hammond, the Buck's GM continues to mention the fact that they will try to make a trade to help the playoff race cause before the trade deadline. Obviously, the Milwaukee Bucks need someone to step in place for the injured Michael Redd. But do we trade for a shooting guard or do we try to get another big threat under the rim with Andrew Bogut (when he frickin' comes back from back spasms!!)? Ramon Sessions has played well in Redd's place with 34 points, 7 rebounds, 4 steals, and 5 assists combined in the last two games. Then again, Charlie Villanueva has been playing well...But will it keep up? What do I suggest? Charlie V is playing great, if we really want another (somewhat) big name, I'd be okay for Milwaukee using him as trade bait. Also, 2 players just chap my ass right now on this team...Dan Gadzuric and Charlie Bell. They are decent, but they are not consistent and they hold us back. They could go as well and only Charlie V if its a really good deal! Here are some players I think could help Milwaukee. Shooting guards: Sacramento's John Salmons, Houston's Ron Artest (I know, he's a contraversial guy...), JR Smith (this guy wants a team who lets him play more anyways!). Forwards: Zach Randolph (you know, we almost got this guy last year!), LaMarcus Aldridge, or here's a good choice Mehmet Okur (Utah is just dying for a trade!!!). Sadly, I love our young talent, Sessions, Alexander, above all the newcomer 2nd pick Moute, however, Jefferson and Bogut (and Charlie V, if not involved with trade) cannot lead us alone. Sessions and Moute have to stay hot and one more key element, most likely created by means of a trade. Without these things, Milwaukee cannot make the playoffs...again.

Anyways, lets see coming up I'll be bitching about the upcoming baseball season, my Chicago Blackhawks, and my next record review will be Animal Collective's new record. There may be another blog or two before I get to these things. Until then, comment, tell me your thoughts on the new FF record or Milwaukee Buck's (if theres any fans out there), etc. Follow my blog :)


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am Matthew.

I am Matthew. I live in Madison, Wisconsin. I am a senior at the University of Wisconsin. I am 24 years old. I am going to write a lot of about music. Quite a bit about films. A bit about sports. However, at times I will try to write a lot about life in general. I welcome your feedback, thoughts, opinions, constructive criticism, etc. I am history major. I have the equivalent of a Communication Arts (Film) minor. What do I love? I love music. Mainly rock, all kinds. Definitely alternative at the top. I also write my own music and lyrics with a solo project that I am created called The Avenging Plan. Right now it's an acoustic bit, just me and my guitar. I am slowly learning piano. I hope to write some piano pieces to fit with my material already. Regarding sports I am pretty pro-Wisconsin: Brewers, Bucks, Badgers, etc. I LOVE the Chicago Blackhawks and hockey. I love pretty much all genres of film, but I'd say drama and suspense at the top. I know this is only an introduction; a little boring, I know.

Next post...Franz Ferdinands new album and what the Milwaukee Bucks NEED to do to salvage the season. Talk to you soon!